Meet Amy

Hi, I’m Amy from Eat Well Feel Well. I’m a mum, food and nature lover, and a registered nutritional therapist. As with many therapists in my field, working on ones own health can be the driving force to gaining knowledge which will support health. I have always been an extremely motivated and busy person, juggling continuing education throughout my 20s and 30s whilst bringing up a family and being an exercise enthusiast. During my 20s and early 30s I suffered with poor digestive health, which was the driving force to retraining in nutritional therapy.
Digestion improved with all my new found knowledge but was still not optimal. A couple of years into being qualified, I suddenly became extremely ill, with no energy, falling blood pressure, pain throughout my body, and rapid weight loss. Luckily, my knowledge meant I was in a position to pursue, research, and question all blood tests to finally get a diagnosis of a rare autoimmune condition called Addison’s disease. By the time of diagnosis I was extremely poorly and subsequently hospitalised for a week.
I am under no doubt that if I hadn’t continued to push for answers the outcome would have been much worse. Following this I had to rethink my approach to health, and as such focussed more on working on calming the nervous system and supporting vague tone so that my body could heal and thrive. Optimum health comes from taking into consideration the ‘Triade of Health’, the physical (structure), chemical/nutrition and emotional/mental health. One cannot be healed without looking at the others. I choose to adopt a positive slant on my health journey as I am now fully able to relate to my client’s; I’m not talking straight out of a text book, it is talking from real life experience.
I am passionate about helping clients regain their health and joy of life, with the focus being on a sustainable ‘Food First’ approach to health.
I support clients via 1-1 consultations, through online courses and subscriptions, I work in corporate nutrition and enjoy publishing articles and delivering lectures on health. I specialise in auto-immune conditions, digestion, and female health.