Rebalancing Your digestion
A food first approach to regaining & supporting your health.
Are you fed up feeling bloated? In pain? Constipated? Rushing to the loo?
Indigestion? Gas?

Are you fed up feeling bloated? In pain? Constipated? Rushing to the loo? Indigestion? Gas? Many people live with these symptoms for years, trying to work out which foods are the trigger, restricting their diet further and further in an attempt to be rid of the anguish they are experiencing.
Whether SIBO, IBS, Reflux, Diverticulitis, Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis, Gallstones, Celiac disease the first step is to work on establishing a healthy microbiome and gut environment and relieving digestive discomfort. In order to do this often we may need to follow a low FODMAP diet for a short period of time, we may need to eliminate certain bacteria and/or pathogens that might have taken up residence in the gut, the gut wall integrity may need support, inflammation reducing, enzyme activity enhancing, and will we definitely need to boost beneficial bacteria.
Lifestyle is key as our emotions and stress response have a direct influence on how optimal we digest our foods. Digestion begins even before we put the food into our mouths, as such establishing a connection with the food we are about to eat and preparing our body for eating is very important.
When supporting clients with functional digestive disorders, I assess the body as a whole to include a complete review of a patients health current and past, diet, environment and lifestyle. I aim to pick up on the root cause by using diagnostics that include blood chemistries, Lifecode Gx Nutrigenomic panels and gut microbiome analysis. My goal is to identify and address the triggers and underlying causes of your health problems rather than only working on your symptoms